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Opening Times

Winter Hours

Monday – Friday
10:00 am – 4:00 pm

Beginning May 21st (following Victoria Day long weekend)

Tuesday – Saturday
10:00 am – 4:00 pm

Admission Fees (including 15% HST):

5 & Under: Free

Students/Seniors (55+): $9.00

Adults: $10.00

Africville Shoreline Cleanup with Halifax Ocean Week

Summer interpreters Asiah Sparks and Theo Moss with Stacey Moser from Mind Your Plastic at the Africville Shoreline Cleanup Sunday June 9th

Group dives for debris, picks up garbage along shoreline at Africville Park

Community members gathered in Africville Park to clean up litter on the shoreline and dive for debris in Halifax harbour. The Ocean Week event was also an opportunity to learn. CBC’s Luke Ettinger reports.